The members of the Chapter Planning Committee (CPC) - Faith Offman, Chair; Keith Zekind; Jim Strommer, CP; David Colhour, CP; Elizabeth Velarde; Joe Castro; Phil Paxton, CP; Robert Choiniere, Chapter Facilitator - would like to extend a sincere THANK YOU to all who joined us for our Pre-Chapter via Zoom.
Your presence, energy and open, honest sharing were most welcomed and helpful to our on-going conversation.
The Visioning Process, begun in Holy Cross Province some years ago, has invited us to ‘hold the tension’ of living into the reality of the paschal mystery – the dying and rising that is foundational to life and life in community. We moved from ‘strategic planning’ to ‘visioning’ and ‘becoming visionaries’ as we continue to witness to God’s call to transform ourselves, our institutions and our ministries.
At Pre-Chapter, we further embraced the synodal process as we explored shifting from a hierarchical/imperial/pyramidal model to a more horizontal/synodal/circular model of leadership. Grounded in the documents we pledged to live into at our last Assembly, we dreamed together what it means to enlarge our tent.
The energy among the 80 or so participants was positive and animated. We heard: