The Chapter Planning Committee (CPC) invites you to join us for Walk With Us Thursdays to prepare for the communal discernment that will take place at our June 2023 Chapter. These conversations will be held via Zoom at 4:30 pm, PDT; 5:30 pm, MDT; 6:30 pm, CDT; 7:30 pm, EDT.
We recognize that we all have very busy calendars, but we pray that you will find a way to join us for this important work and preparation for our June 2023 Chapter.
As a reminder, there is no Walk With Us Thursdays conversation this Thursday, April 6. Our next one will be Thursday, April 13. Our topic will be Leadership. We have come to understand that the traditional role of the Provincial is no longer tenable and realize that a different model of leadership would be more appropriate going forward. We look forward to our conversation with you around leadership.
Upcoming Walk with Us Thursdays
4:30 p.m. PT; 6:30 p.m. CT; 7:30 p.m. ET
April 13
April 20
April 27
May 4
May 11
May 18
Passionist Way
May 25
Laudato Si’
June 1
May 1
Spiritual Conversation
Bob Choiniere, Facilitator
10:00 a.m. PT, 12 p.m. CT, 1:00 p.m. ET